
HB 524: The House Ways and Means Committee will hold an executive session next week (Tuesday or Thursday) at the Legislative Office Building in Room 202.
Some of the feedback we've received is that the providers in small practices were some of the best and most persuasive witnesses, particularly since they could give perspectives as medical practitioners, but also small business people.
Thank you to all the physicians who have called, wrote letters and/or testified.
This fight is not over!!
A phone call is the most effective way to contact a legislator!
Below, please find a list of numbers for House Ways and Means Committee
  • Committee Chair: Rep. John Janigian (Republican - Salem): 603-770-8230
  • Vice Chair: Rep. Jordan Ulery (Republican - Hudson): 603-882-8979
  • Clerk: Rep. Bill Ohm (Republican - Nashua): 603-891-2306
  • Rep. Susan Almy (Democrat - Lebanon): 603-359-5557 (Mobile), 603-448-4769 (Home)
  • Rep. Cyril Aures (Republican - Chichester): 603-715-4580
  • Rep. Bill Bolton (Democrat - Plymouth): 603-236-1812
  • Rep. Scott Bryer (Republican - Northwood): 603-943-9396, 603-545-9721
  • Susan Elberger (Democrat - Nashua): 781-264-1729, 781-674-2304
  • Rep. Mary Ford (Republican - Chester): 603-722-5775
  • Rep. Dennis Malloy (Democrat - Greenland): 603-970-1827
  • Rep. Mary Murphy (Republican - Francestown): 603-265-1978
  • Rep. Thomas Oppel (D - Canaan): 603-304-6767
  • Rep. Thomas Schamberg (Democrat - Wilmot): 603-715-6778
  • Rep. Geoffrey Smith (Democrat - Dover): 603-770-9219, 603-953-7253
  • Rep. Steven Smith (Republican - Charlestown): 603-826-5940
  • Rep. Julius Soti (Republican - Windham): 603-404-1115
  • Rep. Thomas Southworth (Democrat - Dover): 603-742-0556
  • Rep. Terry Spahr (Democrat - Hanover): 610-420-1787
  • Rep. James Tierney (Republican - Groveton): 603-636-2889
Many advocates find it helpful to prepare before making a call. Please find a sample script below.
"Hello Representative [Last Name]. My name is [your name here] and I live [your town].
I am calling to ask you to ITL HB 524.
  • The New Hampshire Vaccine Association is an extremely cost-efficient model which has been replicated in 14 other states.The program saves 30% annually on childhood immunization purchases and has total administrative costs of less than one percent, which are covered 100% by commercial insurers and group health plans administered by third party administrators.
  • The NH Insurance Department’s fiscal note states that there would be a negative impact to the health insurance market of $7.5M due to increase premiums. It would likely be higher, given that administration costs for healthcare providers and payers would increase substantially, and more than 200 provider sites and 90 healthcare payers would need to develop and implement contracts for childhood vaccines.
  • New Hampshire has the lowest healthcare premiums for the individual market in the country today. The NH Insurance Department’s fiscal note and testimony state that health premiums would increase if HB 524 passes.
  • If HB 524 passes it will not save the state money. It would make healthcare more unaffordable for employers and consumers in terms of premiums and will increase publicly funded health care premiums for the State employee, county, and municipal health plans. [Include any other personal remarks you'd like!]

Thank you for your time and consideration on this issue."
If no one answers, leave a message with your name, town, phone number, and brief remarks.
Remember: Representatives list their personal numbers — be mindful of the time when you are calling!